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This is Me

Writer: AlizabethAlizabeth

Updated: Mar 3, 2018

Well, nice to meet all of you. I wouldn't say this has been the easiest journey, I also know so many people have it worse than me. Lets just say, its been a long 27 years. I was born with a bleeding disorder. Most people ask me if its Hemophilia. Its like that, but its Von Willebrands. When push comes to shove I don't clot and I need a special type of blood when I bleed out. Which is often. Lucky me, right? Fast forward to when I was 16 and suffered a stroke. Yep, you read that right 16 years old. Apparently, I had a hole in my heart that caused a tiny little clot to squirm its way to my brain (not sure if thats the word to use but it works). From there on out, luck was never in my favor. Except, when I had met my husband, and had my kids. They were all born healthy and happy. They are 8,6 and 5 now. My oldest a boy, and my youngest two are girls. The girls definitely don't get their attitude from me. My father begs to differ. When I was 23 I had to have a hysterectomy. The surgery went great. So we thought. Things slowly went downhill. At this time my Husband was home on leave from his AIT for the National Guard. His was training to become a Medic. He knew something was wrong. My heart rate was elevated and my blood pressure was low. 7 hours pass and finally they realize that something was indeed wrong. I was bleeding internally. My mom said I was as she explained "lifeless cold" as she kissed my hand before they took me away for yet another surgery. I lost 9 units of blood in those 7 hours. I'm not sure how I am still alive but here I am telling you about it, there must be a reason. From the time I was 23 until now 4 years later. I've been hospitalized probably 5-6 months out of each year. A month or more at a time. As you can imagine having a 9-5 job isn't typically easy for someone with medical mysteries such as myself. My main focus when I am lucky to be home is to spend that time with my kids, and my husband. I still want to help people though. Who doesn't? Well, I can imagine some people don't which is their loss. I worry about my grandpa living alone after he lost my grandma 2 years in April. He has diabetes, and heart problems. How would someone know if something happened? All these things run through my mind. Especially, my mom who just within the last month had to have surgery for A-fib. Not to mention, worrying about my kids that are now in school, or my husband that drives 12 hours one way to work. So, here I am worrying about all these people. Forgetting, about the people that worry about me. Such as my husband, my mom, my grandpa, my dad, my friends and most importantly my kids. That's when my friend introduced me to something amazing. A simple band. Yes, a band. Much like a fit bit. Not quite like an Apple watch. Yet, this isn't a Fit Bit or Apple Watch. This does record your steps and your sleep and all that good stuff. It does much more than that though. It can take your blood pressure. It takes a single lead EKG. It monitors your breaths per minute, your heart rate, what your mood and energy is. Theres something even better. You can set up this band to notify someone if one of your readings is too low. It will send an SOS signal out to my Husband or to my mom. Then they can see my exact location and send whoever be it an ambulance, cops, or someone to check on me. Isn't that amazing?? I also can keep track of my grandpa if he wears a band or my mom. There is even a "we care" function on it for anyone that is wearing a band within your account! So, if they have the band on and something is wrong they simply hit the side button and it sends it straight to your phone. It really sounds too good to be true. In May, they are coming out with Sugar Trend technology. A non invasive way to check your Glucose levels without poking your finger. It's seriously life changing. For some many people and for myself. Knowing if I'm home alone with my kids and something happens. Someone is going to be notified that something is wrong. It makes me sleep ten times better at night. I'm still learning new things about this everyday. I do know that its changed my life forever and will change so many peoples lives around me. Its also pretty cool that it has 5 changeable bands so it can match your outfit. I'm more of a sweatshirt and jeans kinda gal but my kids are sure excited! I'll be writing more about my journey with this, and my blonde moments with it as well. We all have those. Maybe, you could use something like this. Maybe, you know someone that could use this. Maybe you want to keep track of your kids at all times. (They may not be excited about this, but we are the parents lol). If this is something you think you may want to know more about just let me know. Otherwise, stay tuned for the adventures of my clumsy self, my three kids, and my husband on how we adapt this to our everyday lives. #moms #momlife #stayathomemom #medical #healthcare #blogging #allaboutme #technology #truth #adventures #momof3 #livingeveryday #happiness #grateful #firsttime #amazing #trustyourself #momblog #mommygoals #everydaylife #lifeiscrazy #embraceit #family #goodvibes #positivevibes #positivity #wellness #healthy #healthyheart #healthylife #loveit #enjoyit


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