Do you ever feel like, whatever you do. It's just not right? Kids, arguing about something you said. Trying to be everything to everyone. Not letting anyone down. Its been one of those days. Okay, its been a couple of those days. I'm not the best at "meeting" new people, as one would say. I've always just lived in my bubble with my kids, and my husband. I legit, have a fear of talking to people I don't know. This is coming from the person that, wants to work in the Medical Field. Crazy right? I like feeling comfortable. I simply worry about what someone has to say. Even, what they would think about me. They always say, don't worry about what other people say. We burn this in our kids brain. Why can't we follow the same protocol? Words hurt. Looks on peoples faces hurt even when they don't say anything. Sometimes when they say nothing, it simple says it all. My mom always told me not to talk to strangers, and here I am. Even though, I am a grown adult. I often say this to get out of awkward conversations. It makes sense in my brain. You're probably asking, how someone like me got into promoting a product to people I don't know. Don't worry, I ask myself this everyday. How am I, going to get people that don't know me to believe in a product like this as much as I do. When you believe in something, you do whatever you can to get other people to believe as much as you do. Right? "When you believe in it, you do it." It's simple. There's probably a million quotes out there to go along with that saying. Just because something is hard. Doesn't mean its impossible. If that were the case then no one would ever get anywhere in life. I believed in myself a long time ago when I started getting really sick. Doctors have said multiple times I shouldn't have lived. I did. It's because, I believed. I'm putting that logic behind this. I believe in this. I believe in something as small as this band, a band that you literally forget you're wearing to simply change peoples lives. Daily. Why? People suffer everyday from heart problems, diabetes, anxiety, and even the drive to get up and do something. What if something as simple as a band, can change that for one person you know? Would you do it? I would. It gives hope to people around me. It could give hope to people all over the world. I believe that if you have hope, you can achieve anything.

Can I bookmark this 10000000 times?!?! I needed this so badly tonight.
Holly Hood here, If you don't know you self worth you will be devalued. Words are powerful and we should always hope for the best in all that we undertake.
Sometimes it's good to talk to strangers, more so when you're new in town or are lost heading somewhere. But you're right. Getting out of awkward conversations can be tough when you're an adult.
I guess I know someone who is just the same like you. There's nothing wrong about it, you are just being you, just stay positive and see all the beauty of one person from the inside and everything will be fine.
Always have hope girly! Do you like the outdoors? Try to join your local mtnchicks chapter to meet a bunch of lovely women who like to hike! Everything from happy hours, to small hikes: